How to prevent Adulteration of Food a Act and Methods
Adulteration of food is an addition or elimination of any substance to or from food, lead to the loss of natural composition and low quality of food substance. An adulterant is a substance which is applied to adulterate the food. Adulteration of food maybe developed in any stage from production to selling. The consequences will be huge, to our health as w ell as to the surroundings. Now-a-days, this is quite common in the developing countries. Definitely, the products we’re utilizing now-a-days, will be adulterated in one route or other and it’ll be commenced by either producer or seller. Especially, inclusion of adulterants, which is prominently profitable to the producers/manufacturers, though it’s harmful to the consumers in case of consuming hazardous adulterants. The adulteration essence in every product has been done above 25%. Besides, it automatically, assist in reducing the cost of the raw materials, add bulk to the product, and expands margin to the profit. Prevention o...