Fssai Food Import clearance system, Avoid Delays in Clearance - Fmtmagazine

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued an advisory asking food businesses involved in importing food articles to use the Fssai Food Import Clearance System (FICS) and avoid delays in the speedy clearance of the imported consignment. According to the FSSAI's advisory, to facilitate faster release of the articles of food imported at the port and minimize the clearance time, the food businesses were advised to avail of the facility of advance processing of the 'Bill of Entry' in FICS while importing food consignments. "FSSAI has already provided an easy facility of advance filing of Bill of Entry in Food Import Clearance System of FSSAI forwarded from the Custom ICEGATE so that scrutiny of documents submitted by the Food Importer to the Authorised Officer is carried out in advance, before the actual arrival of the article of food at the port," said Dr. Amit Sharma, Director (Trade and IC), FSSAI. According to the FSSAI, although seve...