Take a Look at the Latest Food Safety News in India! Food safety is one of the greatest concern for any food regulatory body. From preparing and handling till storage of food items are involved in the procedure of food safety. There are a number of frequent decisions taken by these regulatory bodies for the sake of the food safety and eventually for our health too. Therefore, get to know more about the food safety news in India in the article below! In the first highlight of food safety news based in India, India is planning on limiting trans-fat level in foods to 3% in the year 2021 and by 2022, it will be limited to 2%. Previously, the maximum amount of trans-fat allowed was up to 5%. The decision has been made up because of the negative impact of consuming trans-fat on human health as it is a form of unsaturated fat found in various food items such as Oil, fast food, a variety of baked goods, sweet dishes, margarine, and so on. Excess trans-fat consumption is linked to an...