Drive Through As A Food And Beverage Service
Drive-through or drive-through is a type of food and beverage services service provided by a company that allows customers to purchase products without leaving the vehicle. This form was invented in the United States by Jordan Martin & lt; in the 1930s. Since then, it has spread to other countries. Hillcrest State Bank of Dallas, Texas, has introduced the first drive-through banking system in the United States. It was a building designed by George Dar, built in the 1920s opposite the SMU. The second recorded use of a bank with a drive-up window switch was in 1930 at the Grand National Bank in St. Louis, Missouri. The drive-up counter only allowed deposits at that time. Orders are usually placed through a microphone and received personally in the window. This type of food and beverage services differs from drive-in in several ways. Cars form a line, move in one direction with a drive-through, and usually do not park, but drive-ins allow cars to be parked side b...