What’s and How’s of Fruits and Vegetable Packaging
One of the most critical tasks in the lengthy and intricate trip from grower to customer is packaging of fruits and vegetables . Handling, shipping, and marketing fresh produce is made easier with bags, crates, hampers, baskets, cartons, bulk bins, and palletized containers. In the United States, more than 1,500 distinct types of produce packages are utilised, and the number is growing as the industry develops new packaging materials and designs. Despite the fact that the industry agrees that container standardisation is one approach to cut costs, the trend in recent years has been toward a greater choice of package sizes to meet the different needs of wholesalers, consumers, food service customers, and processing companies. Protection, tamper resistance, and particular physical, chemical, or biological requirements are all provided by a packaging. It may include a nutrition label as well as other information about food available for purchase in local and international marketplace...