What is Food Preservation? | Fmtmagzine

Food preservation is treating & managing food to stop or slow down food spoilage caused by the growth of bacteria, yeasts, or molds. Food preservation may also include processes that hinder seeable deterioration, such as the enzymatic browning reaction in apples after they are cut during food preparation.

Food preservation

The most important types of food preservation include canning, drying, pickling, freezing, fermentation, and adding chemical preservatives. Canning is a method of preserving food in which the food contents are processed and sealed in an airtight container. 

Drying is a method of food preservation in which water is removed from the food, inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. Standard food drying methods include air drying, sun drying, and oven drying.

Pickling is a method of food preservation in which food is preserved in an acidic or brine solution. Commonly pickled foods include cucumbers, onions, and eggs.

Freezing is a method of food preservation in which water is removed from the food, inhibiting the growth of microorganisms. Standard methods of freezing food include air drying, sun drying, and oven drying. Fermentation is a method of food preservation in which the action of microorganisms preserves food.

Commonly fermented foods include cheese, wine, and yogurt. The addition of chemical preservatives is a method of food preservation in which chemicals are added to

The first commercially successful food irradiation was in 1951 about frozen chicken on ships going to Europe. The first food product irradiated for sterilization and insect disinfestation by an industrial plant in the United States was spices.

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