Calling All Foodie Freelancers: 20 Dining and Food Magazines to Pitch


When you appreciate a dinner, would you say you are longing for the words you'd use to depict it? Do you salivate at the possibility of expounding on food professionally? Assuming this is the case, why not take a shot at composing for food magazines?

The following is a rundown of distributions that acknowledge a wide range of tales about food, going from recipes, to pieces inspecting the maintainability of specific practices, to articles investigating the intersection of food and travel. We enlighten you a piece concerning the news source, as well as how you could attempt to arrive at a proofreader there.

Food distributions and cooking magazines to pitch

While we center here around preparing magazines and food magazines, here's a tip: don't restrict yourself rigorously to distributions that main cover food.

Numerous different distributions, going from movement to local magazines, incorporate a food or eating area, so keep a receptive outlook while attempting to put tales about the culinary world.

In the event that you're quick to investigate food composing position, have a go at pitching editors at these publications.Food distributions and cooking magazines to pitch.

While we center here around preparing magazines and food magazines, here's a tip: don't restrict yourself stringently to distributions that main cover food.

Numerous different distributions, going from movement to provincial magazines, incorporate a food or feasting area, so keep a receptive outlook while attempting to put anecdotes about the culinary world.

Assuming you're quick to investigate food composing position, take a stab at pitching editors at these distributions.

1. Bon Appetit

Bon Appetit is a notable fine food magazine, and they likewise distribute consistently on the web. While they depend on in-house scholars for recipes and cooking tips and don't highlight conventional eatery surveys, they're available to conversational, interesting and enthusiastic independent pitches for revealed highlights, pattern stories, individual articles and assessment pieces.

To pitch, send an outline section, proposed title and clasps to We prescribe giving close consideration to the pitching guide Bon Appetit gives on the web. Rates start at $250 for Restaurant Diaries, Highly Recommend and other short-structure stories that range 300 to 500 words.

2. Impetus

Salt Lake City, Utah-put together Catalyst Magazine centers with respect to a wide assortment of way of life themes, including natural food, cultivating/food security and that's just the beginning.

Send your inquiry, alongside a resume and clasps, to Greta deJong. Also, be cautioned: assuming your article is acknowledged, you'll be supposed to compose it on spec. However, it might in any case be beneficial! You can find the full accommodation rules on the web.


An internet based magazine considering the present home cook, TASTE looks for a wide assortment of independent material incorporating unique recipes with an unmistakable perspective as well as detailed stories, home-cooking counsel and that's just the beginning.

Send your email with the message of the contribute stuck the body — no connections! — to Anna Hezel and Matt Rodbard. Find all the contributing subtleties their pitching guide.

4. Disney Food Blog

On the off chance that the main thing you love more than food is everything Disney, this blog may be the ideal spot for you to flaunt your abilities. Zeroed in essentially on the eating and drinking choices around Orlando's Walt Disney World, Disney Food Blog (DFB) invites unique articles and photographs covering the continually changing universe of Disney cooking.

And keeping in mind that it doesn't seem, by all accounts, to be a paid an open door, the editors will permit you to string one connection into your byline.

5. Eating Well

"Elements for The Good Life" is the witticism of this public food magazine committed to smart dieting. Articles center around cooking, sustenance science, culture, food beginnings and customs, and, surprisingly, social issues connected with food organizations.

This market settles up to $1 per word, and beginning with the short, front-of-the-book areas is the most effective way to break in.

6. Eatable Communities

The Edible establishment highlights food-related distributions in towns and districts all around the nation and then some, from Edible Brooklyn to Edible Northeast Florida to Edible Vancouver. Every distribution has different accommodation necessities and pay rates, so make certain to tap on the singular distribution you're keen on for additional subtleties.

For instance, Edible Seattle depends on independent authors and supports pitches for some of its magazine segments, from long-structure highlights, to recipes, to gourmet expert profiles. Pay normally goes from 20 to 30 pennies for each word.

7. Epicure and Culture

"Food, Wine and Culture for the Ethical Traveler" is the slogan for this internet based distribution. Late food articles incorporate Exploring The Culture of Parsi Cafes In Mumbai, India and Eating Vegan in Austin, Texas.The accommodation page notes patrons get a connection to their site, web-based entertainment advancement, and the chance of cross-advancement through different organizations. Installment data isn't distributed, in any case, so make certain to straightforwardly arrange with the editorial manager.

8. Eater

A public magazine that spotlights on writing about and basically analyzing everything food and drink, Eater effectively looks for pitches from outer benefactors and pays a serious rate. (Who Pays Writers reports a normal of around 37 pennies for every word, for certain journalists having seen paces of up to 67 pennies.)

Make certain to peruse the extended accommodation rules in full before you question the magazine, and be doubly certain you're not pitching something the magazine's not searching for… particularly since they explicitly illuminate it.

9. Kashrus Magazine

Fit eating is the focal point of this magazine covering all that from getting ready for Jewish occasions to new Kosher items and, surprisingly, Kosher cannabis.

10. Kitchn

This day to day web magazine sees a crowd of people of in excess of 17 million individuals, so it's putting it mildly to say it would be cool to be highlighted among its beautiful, cunning posts. And keeping in mind that the main part of the composing is finished by a little, consistent group of consultants, they really do acknowledge kitchen activities and recipe joins from food bloggers — and furthermore enlist specialists now and again, so watch out for their work postings.

11. Menuism

A blog that is tied in with eating training for foodies, Menuism is searching for visitor posts from food bloggers who can areas of strength for prepare, drawing in happy about food, mixed drinks and wine.

To pitch, send a short section and recommended title to, and make certain to glue them into the body of the email as opposed to adding connections. For every one of the subtleties, look at the author's rules.

12. Food52

With ongoing articles running the range from pillowy-delicate cinnamon rolls to one-skillet chicken with brothy beans, Food52 makes food receptive, fun and intriguing — and assuming you have a thought for a story that could accommodate its central goal, you can contact the editors at

13. Saveur

Saveur covers the intersection of food and travel, including everything from recipes and cooking tips to highlights on unambiguous fixings and cookbooks.

To propose thoughts, email the editors at with a synopsis of the article you might want to compose alongside some data about how you might want to assemble the article, for example, who you might want to talk with and what point you'd take.

14. Extra Crispy

"For what reason does anyone on the planet at any point have everything except breakfast food?"

Assuming you were gesturing in concurrence with Ron Swanson during that specific episode of Parks and Rec, Extra Crispy may be the ideal spot for your food composing. This morning meal centered blog distributes assessment pieces, genuine revealed stories, works of humor and that's only the tip of the iceberg, and is effectively open to pitches from outside supporters.

Look at the accommodation rules for all relevant info.

15. Entire Life Times

This every other month magazine relies upon specialists to fill its pages and spotlights on all encompassing and integrative wellbeing stories, natural food, manageability and different subjects connected with a solid and moderate way of life. Rates fluctuate and can go up to $150 for a 800-1,000-word include, with more limited offices saving money.

Look at the scholars rules for more data.

16. Sweet potato Magazine

More prominent Victoria, Canada, is the focal point of this way of life magazine covering food and wine, wellbeing and wellness, culture, and different themes.

It's important the distribution's lead time is three to four months, so you'll watch to pitch subjects that will be opportune and revelant.

Full accommodation rules, including the most forward-thinking resource, are accessible by means of PDF.

17. Healthyish

Healthyish, a Bon Appetit brand, is a site about delightful quality foods. It distributes recipes and its run of the mill quarterly publication bundles as well as "conversational, energetic articles that cover the numerous convergences of food, wellbeing and culture today."

Pay begins at $300 (however more limited segments are $100) and increments in view of your experience and furthermore the profundity of the piece. Assuming that you're keen on pitching, make certain to peruse the rules first.

18. Well + Good

The mission behind this distribution is straightforward: "Disentangling and demystifying living a well life all around." Recent food and nourishment stories cover an assortment of themes, from a high-protein prepared oats recipe to a modest chilled espresso producer proposal to paleo breakfast thoughts.

Assuming you're keen on contributing, look at the pitching rules, where you'll find more data on the sorts of food stories they're searching for as well as where to email your pitch.

19. Paleo Magazine

Paleo Magazine covers everything about "cutting edge basic living." notwithstanding unique recipe commitments, it's additionally open to content supporters who love "the Paleo way of life and can give a new different take and give noteworthy data to our perusers."

20. Radish Magazine

Radish Magazine is a month to month magazine distributed by The Dispatch and Rock Island Argus, which serves western Illinois and eastern Iowa. Albeit the majority of the magazine's substance is delivered by its staff, it is keen on tales about.

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