Importance of Conveyor Belts and Material Handling | Fmtmagazine

A conveyor belt is an integral part of the manufacturing industry and is used on a large scale. Along with the manufacturing industry, it is also an essential part of the food industry and is quite ubiquitous. With the ease the conveyor belt has provided and increased the output of many food industries, there are several guidelines to be followed, set by the FDA or Food and Drug Authority. Some of those are listed below: 1. Cleaning and Sanitization: The belts should be designed to be cleaned easily, and sanitization can also be performed smoothly. It also involves repairing any cracks or crevices caused during the initial and further use of the belts. 2. Material of Conveyor Belt: To ensure the safety of the food, as these belts work without any primary packaging for protection, the conveyor belts should be made of Food Grade material. Applying food lubricants or grease on all food items is essential in the food manufacturing industry. 3. Cleaning Chemicals:...